About Us
Hello beautiful+ handsome!
My name is Kayla, I'm @underlyingbeauty on Instagram,
I'm 25, and I run my own suicide prevention store, and all media by myself!
On a past income of Chuck E Cheese's and waitressing at IHOP, I've been able to start this awareness/support with you.
I wasn't born with this passion, and it didn't just come out of nowhere. I struggled with self harm & suicidal thoughts pretty heavily for about 2-3 years. Now I put my love and pain into helping others. I don't just sell suicide prevention products, but I also email and message many people daily; giving them someone to talk to. I believe that passion and purpose are connected. If you find something to hold on to, something that you don't ever want to live a day without, it can be a huge inspiration to hold on. I have you guys on Instagram to thank for helping me realize that life didn't have to be the way it was.
With the loving support of my followers & you, the creation of Underlying Beauty has been possible, and I hope it always will be.
I know what it feels like to be alone, and I know what pain can do to you. But you are not alone, you just have to open the door again. There are others fighting, just like you, holding on for one more day. It is worth it. Find and create a reason to live.
I care about everyone and I want to spread positivity, recovery and supportive reinforcement that so many of us don't have! I am judgement free, and I love all - regardless. I don't expect my bracelets to save lives, but I do hope that it can give a small piece of hope in a way that means a lot to you.
Always remember, someone loves you and giving up is never your best option, I PROMISE!
I hope you find your best in your recovery! :)
You deserve to be here.
A day without pain, is a day worth holding on for.